I would never wish my situation on anyone. I don't want anyone to experience the pain and heartache of losing a sibling. BUT, hate me now, go ahead... I wish everyone experienced something life changing. Whatever it may be. Ill leave it to your imagination. Here's why. A few weeks ago one of my younger sisters came home from school and was sharing a story from lunch. It went a little something like this. "X's birthday is coming up. X told her mom that she wanted not one but TWO Tiffany necklaces and if she didn't get them they were going to have a problem." Let that sink in. Maybe, but I hope to God not, this is totally normal to some of you. You blatantly told your parents what you wanted, and you got it. You chose something ridiculously priced and there it was. I'm disgusted by that. Here's another example. Last year after losing my brother I overheard someone complaining because they did not get the gold iphone but a blue one (or whatever color it...
Life has a funny way of being dramatic, chaotic, and messy. But life is also joyous, beautiful, and one big adventure! That's what i'm here to share with you: the good, the bad, and everything in between. We'll laugh together, maybe even cry, we'll lift each other up and keep going on this crazy adventure because as a little blue fish once told me we must "just keep swimming".