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"Where do turtles poop?"

Being an older sister/older cousin/full time nanny it never surprises me what comes out of a kid's mouth. Well, sometimes it does. During Turtle Talk there are questions you can expect from kids almost every show; do you have a girlfriend? how old are you? why do you have a shell? where's Nemo? And then sometimes Crush will pick a kid who will ask something no one in the room is expecting like.... "where do turtles poop?". The room exploded with laughter and the parents of said kid were easy to pick out as they looked absolutely mortified.  The long pause from Crush told me that he muted his mic to have a long laugh before continuing with the show. Crush finally answered with "where do you poop when your in the ocean?" and then proceeded to excuse himself behind the reef. Use your imagination people.  This is just one of the many stories that make me smile at the end of a long shift.

And then you get days where it seems as though there is something weird in the air because guests are just flat out crazy. In one 45 minute shift at unload 1 (as you step off the belt after the ride) I had to ride stop 3 different times. That's completely unusual for Nemo, we never have that many problems. 2 for people who refused to exit shells and one for a girl who was messing around and stepped on the intrusion mat which sets off alarms and is a pain in the @$$. After doing a turtle talk show there was a little girl upset she didn't talk to Crush, I handed her a sticker and for 5 split seconds I thought I had her. The tears had stopped and there was a tiny smile. And then she lost it. Screaming, sobbing mess yelling "get away from me lady". Such a gem. That same day we had to escort someone from the building for getting out of his shell in the middle of the ride, and we had to call the paramedics for a guest situation. I was very glad to be out of there that night, it was really the day from H E double hockey sticks.

But for every guest who drives me up the wall there is one guest who always sticks out in my head at the end of the night...

While waiting to get into Turtle Talk there was a set of twins maybe 3 or 4. I could tell that they were driving their parents a little batty so I walked over and knelt down to talk to them. They were right at that age where when you kneel down they do to. I told them I liked their Mickey and Minnie hats and asked if they were having a good day. They told me all about everything they had done so far and how excited they were to talk to Crush. After a five minute conversation I pulled Mickey stickers out of my pocket and asked them if they wanted one. Their faces lit up and they both told me how much they loved Mickey. I looked up and smiled at the parents as I went to walk away only to notice that Dad was taking pictures the entire time. Those are the moments I live for down here. To me, it was just another kid who was starting to act up and I was able to step in with a sticker to distract them for a bit. To them and their parents, it was something magical and the thank you that I received from their parents after proved that.

Its a crazy world down here, but I love it. Making people smile and being apart of their memories is priceless. So, my challenge for you this week... make someone smile. I don't care how, but find someone who looks like they would use a good laugh or smile and make it happen... and... #doitforCJ


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