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Let's get down to business....

Six weeks of Disney adventures in the books! Crazy! I got here in January and its MARCH! So lets get down to business about week 6. (Did you catch my Disney reference there?!) The wonderful last few days of Feb and first few days of March left me speechless. I wish I was kidding. I literally lost my voice Tuesday. And that's really where our week 6 story begins.

Tuesday was chaos. Everything (well almost everything) that can happen in a building, happened at Nemo while I was there. An hour into the day we were explaining to guests that we couldn't find Crush, AKA Turtle Talk went down and maintenance was busy trying to solve the problem. This of course happens right before we are supposed to load the theater and have 210 people waiting to get in. That show gets delayed. Next show time rolls around, and we now have almost all 210 people still waiting, plus have people already lined up for the next show. We then announce that we are still in delay. Commence unhappy guests. I spent the next hour saying that we couldn't find Crush and that we would let everyone know when he was back and explain to guests that we would honor their used fast pass when the show was back up. While I'm explaining this to 20+ guests a lady comes up to me and asks if I know that the ride is also not working. Black scenes, no movement in sets where there should be.... you can imagine what happened next when I told another Cast Member that she needed to call the Coordinator (like a manager) ASAP. Add on having to call in a Code V (use your imagination people), and then having to call for medics (two separate situations) and it was chaos in The Seas. By the time I got home that night I had no voice. I THOUGHT it was just from talking all day. I was wrong. I found myself calling in the next day (which was interesting to say the least as I could barely get a word out) and staying in bed all day cuddling my pillow pet and watching Netflix.
It's Sunday and I finally sound almost normal. Still fighting a cough but otherwise on the high road.

The last two weeks I have made my way over to the local church and have loved every second of being there. The wonderful thing about being Catholic is that no matter where you are, you can walk into a Catholic Church and feel at home. And Mary, Queen of the Universe has been a sense of home from me the last two weeks. But this week... I have a few questions for God that mass wont answer. You see, when we lost Christian I said and have continued to say that God is going to move mountains for us. Why else would he shatter our world the way he did? There's proof that this will happen in the bible in Romans 8:18; "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." And I'm still waiting for it. In the meantime, there's a few answers I would like. Like, why the young, unwed, unable to raise a baby, those not trying, those who don't have the love to share, (the list goes on and on) are becoming pregnant/having healthy babies. But my family suffered a major loss of a baby who we loved the moment we found out, had been praying for for years, and were willing to put things on hold for this little boy. It doesn't seem fair. Am I envious? Yes. Does it make me love babies any less? Not at all. If anything it made me excited to be at the part in my life so my future children can be smothered with love in the way we saw Christian was. (BREATHE FAMILY! I AM NO WHERE NEAR READY FOR A CHILD YET!) I just don't understand why things happened the way they did. So when I hear people are expecting... yes, I am bitter. Yes, I am excited for you. But God and I still have some unresolved problems that will keep me from jumping up and down for you. Its hard. Our family will be welcoming a new baby cousin soon. I'm excited. But the people holding a baby at the next family picnic should be my parents. Let's be real.

I'm almost 9000% positive that people are going to talk about this post, the last part especially. And probably not to my face. Probably behind my back. But here's the thing... My Mom raised a strong ass woman. Its because of her and her being a young, single parent and watching the BS that she went through for me, that I am who I am. And then she married the best possible man to be my Dad and he added to my strong back bone, reaffirming me not to take shit from anyone. My parents, my history, my story... it's shaped me to who I am and I don't hold back from expressing myself.

I leave you with this this week....  Never miss a chance to say I love you. Give credit where credit is due. And follow God even when you aren't sure where he is leading you.



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