Well, here we are. A week before I embark on one of the biggest adventures of my life. And I have yet to pack! Oops. But I guess I should explain what this big, grand adventure is. Back in September, September 10th to be exact, I applied to the Disney College Program. I would be lying if I said I didnt do it out of spite. My brother had just passed away less than a month ago, I hated being at school with a passion, and to top it off the one thing I needed to be stable (soccer) was going horribly horribly wrong. But that's a post for a different day. So, when I got the email that Disney was accepting applications for the spring semester I filled it out almost immediately. When I say almost, I filled my water bottle and grabbed a granola bar and an apple before sitting down to do it. I called my Mom later that night to tell her. The application process flew by. Before I knew it I was scheduling my phone interview. Phone interview done and over with, now begins the waiting game. On September 27 I open my "Congratulations! " email saying that I had been accepted for an attractions role in the spring semester. I called my parents crying and later that night accepted my position to work at Walt Disney World.
Fast forward through the crying phone call home to ask if I should accept or not and I am now faced with having to tell my team, coach, and friends that I am leaving after finals. After many mixed emotions/ responses, here we are a week before I leave and I'm excited as all heck!
Things may not have gone the way my family planned last year, but when in life does anything go according to plan? 2014 HAS to be better than 2013. There is no way it could possibly be worse. After what God has done with my family, he must be about to move mountains for us. That is the only logical explanation.
Until next time, which will probably be when I get down to the sunshine state... #doitforCJ
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