Another week at The Seas has come and gone, which brings me one week closer to being home on the couch with my puppy. I challenge anyone to try and come between me and Budweiser, it won't happen.
This week was full of adorable little kids, and not so adorable older little kids. In a turtle talk show this week, Crush asked a little girl where she was from (meaning where do you live) and out of the most adorable, probably 3 year old, mouth came "mommy and daddy". Wise beyond her years ;) Hysterical laughing overtook the theater that day. And in another not hysterically funny moment I had to ask a family to not allow their 7 year old son to "go" in the bushes. I wish I was lying, and I honestly wish he would have been more discrete about the situation so I wouldn't have had to address it. But no, this little boy stood on a ledge probably 4ft high, pulled down his pants and took care of business relieving himself. I don't understand people.
On another note, completely not related to people's stupidity (which I swear was at an all time high in Epcot this week), I had the opportunity to work with Disney Voluntears and Make A Wish this morning. Disney Voluntears is exactly what it sounds like and if you don't know what Make A Wish is... do you live under a rock? Basically, I volunteered to walk around an exotic car show all morning and sell raffle tickets for Make A Wish. If I've learned anything from this program, its how to communicate with people. A smile goes a long way.
And the moments I live for..... While loading a Turtle Talk show that I was about to host I kneeled down to talk to a little girl who was maybe 5 years old. She and the rest of her siblings were so excited to see the show and told me all about their day so far. At that moment they were just another kid and I was someone they could share their excitement with. The show started and Crush immediately called on the little girl who i had been talking to. Her reaction wasn't over the top, she didn't look over the moon excited that she got to talk to him but the hug I received after the show told me otherwise. After closing up the show, this little girl comes running through the crowd, hugs my legs and thanks me repeatedly telling me that that was her favorite part of Disney World. Those are the moments that make me leave work smiling, that tell me i'm doing something right here.
This program isn't for everyone. The hours are awful. Despite what people think, I don't just run around playing in the parks all day. I work well over 40 hours a week and get paid barely nothing to do it. BUT when I make a difference in someone's vacation... the money doesn't matter. A smile, hug, conversation with a happy/thankful guest is so much more rewarding than any amount of money. Those are the moments I live for.
35 days until these hooligans and I are reunited and then this summer we are going to #doitforCJ. Everything we do.... doing it for our little brother :) But for now... make someone smile and when you do.... #doitforCJ
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