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The Question

There is one question I dread more than anything from other cast members.... "why are you here?". Seems simple, what made you decide to come to DCP is really all they are asking. Someone who appears to have it all together just up and left Chicago to come work for Disney? For some, a simple "the experience" is a good enough answer. Others, its like they can see straight through the smile on my face and want to know more. So, here it is. In August my brother passed away a week before my third college preseason. I waited a few days to report for preseason so I could be with my family. I went back to school/soccer because I needed that back in my life. My world was turned upside down and soccer was something I thought would be stable. I was wrong. I heard every excuse in the book, even as far as to blame my not playing on the death of my brother (you can imagine my anger for that comment) except an actual answer while I sat the bench for an entire season. Bitter? Yes. I'll leave it at that. So not only did I leave home during the most difficult time I have experienced, the one thing I needed to be stable and normal was also taken from me. On top of that I am a psychology major and more than ever I was able to relate class to my life. Depression, anxiety, special needs... everything my family was experiencing .... we covered it all. So class was rough. I hated it. Out of spite I applied for the college program. Didn't tell a soul, just sat at my laptop quietly and filled out the application. Went through the rest of the application process and didn't say anything to anyone until I had been accepted. I had an escape.

Now here we are, wrapping up week 5 and I have learned so much. I am more than an athlete. Something my mom continually told me but because I was so wrapped up in the sport, I couldn't see it. I have stepped way out of my comfort zone and accepted a position I really only dreamed of, but never thought I would have. Everyday I talk to guests from all over the world. Some are nicer than others, some understand more English than the next. Regardless, if they walk away from me smiling... I know I did my job well. Everyday I find myself in the gym, proving you can take the athlete out of the sport but you cant take the athlete out of the person. I make time for mass on the weekends, and occasionally (when I have free time) venture out to have a little fun.

So... why am I here? I am a psychology major who loves interacting with people. What better place to do that than Walt Disney World. Everyday I am challenged to interact with people from all over the world really and make sure that their needs are met. Its challenging and exhausting, but at the end of everyday there is always one guest who sticks out in my head that I know I made a difference with.

It's still difficult being away from home. Some days are better than others. On those bad days all I crave is having my favorite 5 people and 2 puppies in the same room for family movie night. But on the good days I am able to call home and laugh at the silliness happening there, take phone calls from singing teenagers, and have conversations with mom and dad about all that is happening here. In 30 days that all comes to me for a much needed vacation for the rest of the family, and in 84 days ill be on the couch with my puppies. (Yes, I am counting down... you would too if you saw their faces). Until then, ill continue to talk to turtles, sing "in the big blue world" even when I'm not at work, and find that one little kid who will smile bigger than their parents thought possible over a Mickey sticker. And I will  #doitforCJ.


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