What's in the cup is irrelevant, just know it was mighty good. And even better because of the Mickey straw.
Week 7 is coming to a close and here's words you never thought you would hear me say.... I learned a lot from a turtle this week. While hosting two different shows this week I felt like Crush was talking directly to me with no one else in the room. The first time he said: "don't go against the current, ride it and let it take you to where you are supposed to be." We plan and schedule our lives (some more than others) to the point of exhaustion. Can you imagine if for a day, maybe even two if you were brave, you just let life happen. That sounds absolutely horrifying to me. I hate surprises and after this summer, unexpected surprises are not welcome.... they often lead to panic until I know what is happening. But in all seriousness. What if you woke up and just let life happen. You let the day take you were it was supposed to. Do you ever wonder what opportunities you miss because you are so bound to a schedule? Are we changing God's plans for us by altering our days so much? Are we making God work harder to make sure we are where we are supposed to be, living the life he planned for us?
More food for thought....
Crush said the very next day: "treat everyone like an oyster because you never know who is going to be a pearl". How so very true this is. I can honestly say that there are people in my life right now that if I would have judged based on first impression only... we probably wouldn't be friends. Sometimes you have to get past the exterior of a person to see who they really are. But how may people have we missed relationships with because of a first impression gone wrong? Often times a first impression is who want people to think we are and not who we actually are.
So, while I'm here (because its a 70+ day test trial if anything) I'm giving people more chances than a first impression, and I'm just going with the flow. Today that meant taking a morning walk to the grocery store, making pasta salad and preparing chicken for dinner, a solid workout that still has my legs shaky, and a two hour Skype convo with the family. Tomorrow the only thing on my agenda is mass in the morning and then we'll see what happens.
As this week comes to a close I've felt a strong urge to get involved the with Down Syndrome community after a couple encounters with kids this week, so I'm spending my night looking up local camps and such that could use some extra help this summer. Hoping to land myself somewhere where I can learn more about Down Syndrome and make some new buddies :)
Love and hugs from Disney World! Do something out of the ordinary this week and ....... #doitforCJ.
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