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Showing posts from April, 2014

Happy Easter!

If someone showed you a picture of Celine Dion would you be able to recognize it was her? More than likely if you are from a younger generation you wouldn't be able to. But if someone played one of her songs, you could probably guess it was her. If she walked right past you in Disney World you probably would have missed her too. Like a normal person, walking right at me, was Celine Dion. How I realized it was her is beyond me. I didn't believe it was her until I went upstairs and asked if she was in the building. Didn't exchange any words, but a sighting is good enough. How many people can say they saw Celine Dion while they were at work? Kids continue to say the strangest things.... In a Turtle Talk show (of course, where else would such a story come from?) a little girl asked Crush if he was going to eat one of his friends which one would he pick. Morbid. What child thinks of this? Crush of course said none because fish are friends not food, and then asked the same ques...

Kids peeing in bushes, Make A Wish, and adorable little kids.

Another week at The Seas has come and gone, which brings me one week closer to being home on the couch with my puppy. I challenge anyone to try and come between me and Budweiser, it won't happen. This week was full of adorable little kids, and not so adorable older little kids. In a turtle talk show this week, Crush asked a little girl where she was from (meaning where do you live) and out of the most adorable, probably 3 year old, mouth came "mommy and daddy". Wise beyond her years ;) Hysterical laughing overtook the theater that day. And in another not hysterically funny moment I had to ask a family to not allow their 7 year old son to "go" in the bushes. I wish I was lying, and I honestly wish he would have been more discrete about the situation so I wouldn't have had to address it. But no, this little boy stood on a ledge probably 4ft high, pulled down his pants and took care of business relieving himself. I don't understand people. On another ...


You know when you were little and a bad dream would wake you in the middle of the night your parents would comfort you and remind you it wasn't real and you would go back to sleep? In this bad dream... there is no comforting (because my parents aren't here, and I can guess they have a similar reoccurring dream at times) and it WAS real. The dream happened again last night.... Every so often I stir like crazy throughout the night as August 13th replays over and over in my dreams. I can picture pulling into the driveway after work, my phone ringing, it was the Doctor's office... the same doctor who would later that night deliver CJ.... the nurse was calling to tell me that everything at my yearly apt went well and they look forward to seeing me again. It didn't cross her mind that I was related to another patient of theirs and what I was about to walk into when I went inside. (I just realized this may be the first time I've shared this piece of t...

Still Working And Playing in WDW

With dinner cooking, laundry going, and a cold beer next to me.. it seems like a good time to put words to paper.... or webpage? The past three weeks have gone by super fast, its like I blinked and my parents were here and gone. Had a pretty sweet vacation with them while they were here that took us through all 4 Disney parks and downtown Disney in a crazy five days and landed us on the beach for an afternoon. It was a visit that was perfect but was far too quick. As soon as they left I was back in routine, getting ready for work the next day and the week ahead. Because my Mom is kick-ass I have a freezer full of meals that will probably last me through the month... yay for home-cooked food from momma during the part of the program that seems the hardest. Now, let me explain that last sentence. I was NOT homesick until I saw my parents and realized that I only had 40 something days left here. 40 days is nothing, its less than two months. But, its everything when the only place you...