I had no intention of opening this site back up but I needed a space to write out Logan's birth story so here we are! And if I'm going to type it all out I might as well share it! Let's start on November 3. No, let's start before that. On October 15th when I found out I was pregnant, very pregnant, one of the first questions I asked the Doctor was "can I still run?". I had a million other questions but that was the one that slipped out first. Since March I had been training to run Wine and Dine weekend with my little sister and if it was safe I wanted to still attempt to participate. Doctor assured me that it was ok to keep running as long as I felt ok and encouraged me to keep working out in some capacity because both Logan and I were used to the activity. The week of the run (October 30th) I asked again if it was still ok and again Doctor encouraged me to run as long as I felt good. I went back and forth on what I was going to do all week leading up to the...
Some nights its hurts more than others. Some nights I envy people who deal with screaming toddlers... if they only knew what they have. Some nights I wish I was staying in to rock my brother to sleep... not sitting in a bar. Some nights I sit and stare at his picture on my laptop and wonder what he would have been like. Would he love dinosaurs like his Tori? Would he hum and sing to everything on the radio like his Skye? Would he play every and any sport he could like his Kk? Some nights I wish heaven was a quick car ride away because even a hug would be better than not having him here at all. Some nights its simply easier to smile and say your okay when reality is... you're broken. Grief comes in waves.... sometimes you can keep your balance... other times you feel like you drowning. Can't believe he will be 2 in a few days.....